If you’re a patient of Family Foot & Leg Center, then you’re no stranger to the artwork of Tiite Baquero. Some of Tiite’s artwork is on display at several Family Foot & Leg Center locations.
He is not only an artist, but also an author and the Director of the Worldwide Peace Marker Project. For the past 20 years, Tiite has been overseeing the Worldwide Peace Market Project which is a global collaborative by 198 artists from as many nations, creating a minimal but functional model of a global culture of world peace.
We had the opportunity to sit down with Tiite to discuss his artwork at some of our Family Foot & Leg Centers including his latest installation, “Pedality No. 4 – A Healing Dance for Asclepius”, outside the Brennan Medical Building in downtown Naples, Florida.
Tiite, thank you for allowing us take this opportunity to get to know the man behind the beautiful artwork that decorates many of our offices. Thank you so much for your interest in the work that we are doing for Dr.Lam/Family Foot & Leg Center.
Artist? Author? Director? How you best describe yourself? “I’m a polymath interested in a strategy of sustainable continuity for planet earth’s system and biosphere” says Tiite.
Clearly art is a passion of yours. How long would you say you have been an artist? How would you describe your style? “I have counted my years as an artist since the time I won my first Best of Show about 62 years ago. I’m the founder of an art direction called “Data-A” which is an art about “Life itself being art.”
I’ve noticed that your art exists in many forms (paint, sculpture, etc.) Is there a medium that you prefer? “I have always loved to work with precious metals to make wearable sculpture. I have always expressed myself artistically in various medium. I have incorporated illustrated written works of art as well as written six books so far. I currently have a new one in progress.”
What artists have influenced you? Why? “Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Julius Verne and many others. Their visionary nature has always been appealing and inspirational to me.”
What does your art mean to you? Art is a reflection of the creative ability of the human being to capture abstract ideas and translate into concrete forms.
What else should people know about your or your work? That my work has been a continuous quest to change the direction of human violence towards world peace.
Where can people see more of your work and hear more about you? People interested in my work may visit www.tiitebaquero.com or visit www.wpmpcollective.com to learn about my 198 nations collaborative global work of art in progress.
Family Foot & Leg Center would like to thank Tiite Baquero for taking time for this interview. Check out Tiite’s latest installation, Pedality No. 4, “A Healing Dance for Asclepius” outside the Brennan Medical Building in Naples, Florida.
Additional artwork can be seen throughout Southwest Florida. His work continues to beautify and inspire. “The Next Great Migration” by Tiite Baquero, is available on Amazon.
To schedule an appointment with your podiatrist, contact Family Foot & Leg Center at (239) 430-3668 (FOOT) or schedule online at www.NaplesPodiatrist.com.