When it comes to diabetic foot care, it pays to take a proactive approach. While it’s important to treat any symptoms promptly, it’s even better to minimize the effects or outright prevent them in the first place.
The reason is simple: the consequences of diabetes for your feet can develop gradually, and their effects can deaden your ability to detect them, meaning that a serious problem could go unnoticed.
If you have diabetes, starting a diabetic foot care plan now – even before your feet show any signs of trouble – is a wise investment in your long-term health.
But what if you have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes, or are experiencing symptoms that you have questions about? It’s still important to know what diabetes can do to your feet and identify signs if you see them.
Warning Sign of Diabetic Feet
It’s important to note that, given how closely the effects of diabetes can be tied to conditions relating to nerve injury and poor circulation, not all of the signs we list here automatically mean they are caused by diabetes. They are still important symptoms to address no matter the source and we highly recommend seeing your podiatrist about them!
Loss of Hair on Your Toes, Feet, or Legs
Hair needs circulation to grow well. If you are losing hair in your lower extremities, it can be an indication of reduced blood flow to this area – potentially by the consequences of diabetes or related conditions such as peripheral artery disease (PAD).
Leg Cramps During Exercise or Other Physical Activities
If your calves, thighs, or buttocks cramp up during activity – even during mild sessions such as walking – it can be an early sign of a circulatory condition, perhaps related to diabetes.
This condition is known as “intermittent claudication” and tends to subside once you are able to take a moment to rest. It does not tend to be a constant discomfort.
Having Dry, Itchy Skin More Often
Having dry, itchy skin on the feet (and elsewhere) may be a sign of living in a dry environment. But if you notice your skin is drier more often that it has bee in the past, that is something that should be checked.
Burning or Tingling Sensations in the Feet
Abnormal and unexpected sensations in the toes and feet are typically initial signs of nerve damage. Tingling, burning, “electric” sensations, or inexplicable pain can mean that nerves are in distress.
How can diabetes damage the nerves? A high, uncontrolled concentration of blood sugar is believed to have a negative effect on them, but so does constricted blood flow. Since the feet are farthest from the heart and it takes the most effort to pump blood to them, circulation problems present themselves in your feet.
Diminished Senses of Touch or Temperature in the Feet
This tends to be a sign of deeper nerve damage beyond the sensations noted above and can pave the way to even further problems if left unaddressed. Although nerve pain can become excruciating, a total lack of feeling whatsoever is a great danger.
The less you can feel happening to your feet, the more at risk they are for suffering undetected injuries. Walking and continuing to put pressure on these existing injuries can cause them to deteriorate, creating sores and ulcers that have high risks of infection. When left untreated, these ulcers can lead to amputation or even death.
Having Fungal Toenails and/or Plantar Warts
Strong circulation means a stronger immune system to attack invading viruses and fungi. The effects of diabetes, however, can limit both circulation and immune performance, making problems like fungal toenail infections and plantar warts more prevalent.
Injuries on Your Feet are Taking Longer to Heal
If cuts or sores on your feet aren’t improving within a few days, it may mean your cells are not receiving enough of the growth factors and nutrients they need to conduct proper repairs. Combined with an inability to sense damage to your feet, this can lead to extreme danger if left unchecked.
Do Not Wait for Diabetic Foot Signs to Worsen
Or appear in the first place! Diabetes can be a relentless condition. If you are not living with any of the above symptoms now, not taking preventative steps and properly managing your condition now can guarantee you will see them present themselves in your life in the future.
If you do not suspect you haver diabetes but experience some of the symptoms above, do not delay getting checked out. Even if diabetes is not in the picture, something else may be that should be treated.
Dr. Drew Chapman is a podiatric physician and surgeon practicing in Southwest Florida. Double Board Certified: American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. For more information about diabetic foot checkups, contact Dr. Chapman’s office at (239) 430-3668 (FOOT) or visit NaplesPodiatrist.com to schedule an appointment.