A hammertoe causes the toe to bend at the joint. Over time, the joint may become deformed. This may then lead to the formation of corns or calluses on top of the toe joint due to rubbing on shoes. Moving the affected toe may be difficult or painful.
Wearing ill-fitting, high-heeled, or pointy toed shoes is among the most common causes of hammertoe. Genetic conditions such as people with unusually long toe bones may also be at risk. Those with previous toe injuries and people with rheumatoid arthritis are more at risk of developing hammer toes.
This is a patient with hammertoes. This is a hammertoe tendon release on 2nd toe, no blades, no sutures performed by Dr. Kevin Lam, clinical director of Family Foot and Leg Center in Naples, FL
This full hammertoe release is an in-office procedure that is an alternative to major hammertoe surgery. This allows for fast results and quicker recovery for patients.
Hammertoes can be painful and prevent you from wearing shoes. Resolve your pain fast. Call us at (239) 430-3668 for scheduling. This procedure can be performed in the office and patients can walk without any assistive device right away.