October 12 to 20, 2021 is Bone and Joint Action Week, focused on arthritis, pain, trauma, osteoporosis, and childhood bone and joint conditions.
More than half of Americans over the age of 18 are affected by some form of musculoskeletal condition. This becomes more prevalent with advancing age.
Bone and joint conditions are among the most common cause of long term-pain and physical disability all over the world.
The management of bone and joint problems involves a team of professionals, which may include your physician, dietician, physical therapist, and occupational therapist. Dietary and lifestyle changes as well as regular physical activities can help you move better and manage the pain.
The foot, being one of the most complex parts of the body is made up of 26 bones and 30 joints is prone to develop problems. These can cause pain, inflammation, limited movement and disability. With early diagnosis and treatment, the risk for disabilities, long-term severe pain, and immobility can be significantly reduced.
Now is the time to raise awareness on the diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of bone and joint conditions.
If you have bone and joint issues on your foot/ankle, you can schedule an assessment at (239) 430 3668 or visit NaplesPodiatrist.com.