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Scarless Bunionectomy

Minimally Invasive/ Key Hole / Scarless Bunion Surgery

– end the misery of bunions with minimal recovery time, and, most remarkably,
very minimal to no scars.

– Virtually painless

– Cost effective , can be done in the safety and efficiency of the office surgical suite which eliminates hospital associated costs.

7 Facts About Bunions
1) Shoe style CAN impact formation
2) Different procedures based on severity
3) Virtually no pain postoperatively
4) 20% of bunions recur if not done correctly
5) Sooner you address, less crippling arthritis formation
6) New Scarless Bunionectomy is possible via selective surgeons
7) The foot type can be passed onto your kids. If you have a bunion, make sure your child is evaluated by a podiatrist to prevent same fate.









Intraoperative Xray Images








as seen on tv


  • Can the scarless bunionectomy be used for failed bunion surgery?
    • Yes, it can be used for revisional bunion surgery as long as the their is no arthritis present in the joint.   We have revised bunionectomies as long as 20 years post operative.
  • Does the pin in the toe hurt?

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    • No, it does not hurt.  
  • When is the pin removed?
    • Pin is removed in the office at 4-5 wks wks after surgery, without need for local anesthetics.
  • Is it painful?
    • The minimally invasive technique minimizes collateral damage and pain is minimal to nonexistent.
    • Pain medication is given as a precaution for all patients
    • Most patients don’t need medication beyond 3 days.  
    • I will provide local anesthesia before and after surgery that numbs you up for up to 24 hours after surgery.
  • Can I walk after the bunionectomy?
    • Yes, you can walk on your heels for the first week
    • Then you get a surgical boot to walk after the first week, the boot is to take pressure as you heal the bone cut.  
  • What about these claims that I can get back into sneakers in one week after surgery?
    • Any true bunionectomy with bone cuts takes 6-8 weeks to heal no matter the procedure.  If you fracture  a bone it takes 6-8 weeks to heal also.    Some surgeons will do a simple bump and run, cutting the bump off procedure which will not last in the long run and can compromise the joint if they are too aggressive. Others will use a wire to tie two bones together.   Rather do it right the first time.     
    • Skin also takes at least 2 weeks to heal.   Massive infections can happen in the dark, environment of a sneaker even at 1 wk post op.    Not recommended.
    • While we can not change the natural healing of bone and soft tissue, we minimize the collateral damage via the scarless approach to achieve quicker healing with least amount of complications.
  • Any more questions please feel free to contact me via Facebook: Family Foot and Leg Center, PA  an educated patient is a good patient. 

Your Experience

Bunions are more prevalent among women because female hormones soften the tissues. High heels and pointy shoes often exacerbate the problem.

Bunion surgery has often been known as a very painful procedure with a long recovery period. It is important that a highly experienced specialist foot and ankle surgeon performs the operation. Minimally invasive bunion surgery techniques at Family Foot and Leg Center leaves minimal scar with reduced post operative pain and swelling.

Visit us now!




5 stars

5 stars

My ugly bunion feet have always been a problem that I cannot wear fashionable sandals. Fortunately, with the minimally invasive bunion surgery offered at Family Foot and Leg Center, I was able to get back to having normal feet without pain. I would strongly recommend their procedure. — Darla T.

5 stars

I’m back from my most amazing hiking/camping trip on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington (Go there).
Just wanted to give you BIG BIG Kudos. I hiked 34 miles in 3 days- up and down 6 and 7,000’ mountains and my foot did AMAZING. No issues at all. No one can believe I was able to do that. Says so much about you and your work. Thank you thank you thank you.
Will definitely be passing on the good work about you and your staff.
All the best, — Thea M.

5 stars

Since my bunion surgerylast year, I am walking pain free. I am also very delighted with thecosmetic results. Thank you to Dr. Kevin Lam. — Rachelle W



5 stars

My bunion has always kept me from wearing nice shoes and thus I was limited to closed footwear or running shoes. I came to FFLC with doubts as I have heard stories about how painful bunion surgery can be. Surprise! The procedure ‘minimally invasive bunion surgery’ delivers its promise. I had very minimal discomfort, recovery was quick, and my feet now look good as new. I can now proudly wear any footwear I like 🙂 — Jessica M.